A.I. vs. H.I.

A.I. vs. H.I.

In the ever-evolving landscape of creativity, AI is the latest spice in our toolkit. Picture it as the condiment to your artistic feast – use it judiciously, or risk losing the essence of thought literally and creatively.

AI is omnipresent, a glimpse into the future that Will Smith faced in "I, Robot," or Spielberg pondered in "AI." As a creative navigating this AI-laden terrain, I view it as my personal assistant, filling literary gaps and sparking intuitive ideas when collaboration is scarce.

Yet, it's not human. No matter how much Chatty and I converse, it needs that human touch. It's akin to quantizing everything – a practice best avoided. A drummer's artistry isn't a rigid science; it's humanistic, embracing rhythm, dynamics, swing, errors, and fluctuations.

When wielded thoughtfully, AI is a game-changer. It shouldn't infiltrate every program; after all, a bit of manual effort never hurt. It's not a crutch; it's a creative tool enhancing human intelligence. How do you integrate AI into your creative process, and which programs do you find most effective?